
Advice & training for professionals


In no industry is as much time and money spent on safety as in aviation. Based on these years of experience, we have developed training programs for organizations who have to deal with human behavior in critical operational environments.


A variety of skills and learning styles in separate modules

evaluation & retraining

Train skills and observe to develop a continuous process of learning and improvement

experienced trainers

Trainers with extensive experience in critical operations and human behaviour

simulation games

Playful games with impact to make people think


hanvandermeer1Han van der Meer

Creativity is often underestimated when it comes to safety


'As a change manager, I have seen that change can be a creative process. Change requires a lot from organizations and their employees. Especially when many old patterns have grown into common habits/behavior. An appropriate change-management strategy in which the involvement of professionals plays an important role helps to achieve desired results.

I like to use my experience with management & change to support organizations in order to become more flexible, efficient and effective.'

jeanpierre1Jean Pierre Kahlman

Training is an essential part within the business process to create effective leadership


'As a former F16 pilot and captain of the Boeing 747 and manager of 130 people or more, I know how important it is to embed safety training in a business process. From my time as F-16 pilot/Operations-Officer I know that certain processes have to be practiced many times to get locked into your system. This saves time, money and lives.

I now share my knowledge about safety & organizations with other professionals with great pleasure.'